With a much larger club face you’ll find the area of the driver head in which you can hit the ball accurately is much larger. What this does is offer you a much larger sweet spot. This model being 40 cm larger ensures that you have a much larger club face then you would with a standard driver. As you may know, the maximum allowed clubhead size of a driver is 460 cc. The next feature we’re going to cover is the 500 cc club face. But at least you know this nonconforming driver is coming from a mass distributed golf manufacturer. Though, this does not necessarily mean the club is going to be extremely high-quality. They are known for offering sets of clubs for fairly low prices to allow beginner golfers to easily enter this game. When it comes to this model Pine Meadow is still a relatively well-known brand name. You’re not going to find taylor-made Callaway or any of the major golf brands selling these sorts of drivers. When it comes to illegal drivers the brand names can get a little sketchy. The first benefit we’re going to cover of this non-conforming driver is the Pine Meadow brand-name. This awesome driver does not fit under the USGA standards for clubhead size and gives you a massive Sweet Spot and club face to work with. Our number one selection on our list of the best legal drivers is this Pine Meadow PGX non-conforming driver.